How to create a Facebook Fan Page for your Blog

What is a Facebook Page? Sometimes referred to as a "Fan Page", a Facebook page is a single page where you can share & talk ab... thumbnail 1 summary

What is a Facebook Page?

Sometimes referred to as a "Fan Page", a Facebook page is a single page where you can share & talk about any particular subject you want: a celebrity, a blog or whatever your heart desires. Think of it as a one-page meeting place, with information, links, a message forum box, RSS and anything else you want.

how to create facebook fan page
Want to promote your blog? Then Facebook is one of the best choices when it comes about social networking sites. To see how a Facebook fan page looks like, please visit our Facebook Fan Page.

How to Create Facebook Fan Page for your blog.

Step 1. Go to the Create Fan Page Link on Facebook and select "Brand" or "Product".

facebook popular, facebook friends

Search for "Website" in the drop down list and provide the Page name (e.g., name of your blog) in the next box. Check the "I agree to Facebook Pages Terms" box, then click on the "Get Started" button.

Step 2. You will be transferred to the next page - here you can "Upload an Image" for your Fan Page or Skip to upload it later. Browse for your image clicking on the "Upload from computer" link:

Step 3. Enter your site/blog description and the url address. These infos will appear on your Facebook page. After you have finished, click "Save info".

Step 4. Now you are transferred to your new Facebook Fan Page. To "Manage" your information, click on the "Manage" Button at top right corner of the page.

Get a Shorter Facebook Fan Page URL

Your Fan Page URL will look similar to this:

Now, if you have minimum 25 fans, you will be able to shorten your Facebook URL to look like this:

For this, go to and click to set a username for your pages.

There you can select the username for your fan page. Be careful when you choose your Facebook Fan Page Username because you can't change it back afterwards.

Share Your Most Recent Blog Posts to Facebook

Update! Unfortunately, RSS Graffiti is no longer available. Please read this post to see how to automatically share blog posts to Facebook.

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