Boost Your BIM - New Revit API Blog!

There is a cool new Revit API blog with a nice simple layout.  Here is a description from the author, Harry. Hi – I hope you find this blog ... thumbnail 1 summary
There is a cool new Revit API blog with a nice simple layout.  Here is a description from the author, Harry.

Hi – I hope you find this blog both informative and thought-provoking! With 14 years experience as an employee of Revit Technology Corp & Autodesk, including 4 years as a developer on the Revit API team, I hope to make your work with Revit more productive and enjoyable. If you are interested in custom development or training (online or in-person), please contact me at - Regards, Harry

Do you use Revit? Interesting in making it better? Instead of waiting for the next release from Autodesk, this blog will be a place to explore how we can improve Revit now with its API to customize, integrate, and enhance it. Please post comments and questions about what would interest you.

Definitely a blog you want to start following!

Click here to check it out now!

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