"On our title block we have in our office has two different sections for drawings when we send them out. We have an issues category and a revisions category and the way we have to input information currently is a pain in the ass, creating a frenzy of copy and paste for the title and date for each sheet in individual labels.
I was wondering if there is another way to separate the revit revisions schedule to have revision sets in one column and issues sets in another. When we add the additional revisions “schedule graphic” to the sheet there is not an option under “schedule: Revisions” for filtering out certain revisions. Like in a schedule there is the option to filter out certain tags, numbers, floors, etc. there is not one in the revision properties."
Essentially, Sean needs to have two schedules on his sheets... a "Revisions Schedule" and an "Issues Schedule". These schedules need to show completely different information yet be controlled by revision clouds. They also can't show a Revision on the Issues and Issues on the Revision.... Well then..
At first thought you may think... "Just add a few parameters in the titleblock family and call it a day". Sorry... You cannot add parameters to the "Revision Schedule". They are hard coded into the software.
But... you CAN add a Calculated Value... Dun, Dun, Dun!
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