Rendering Tip - A Simple Material Change to Add Realism

There is something that has always bothered me when I render a building.  Glass.  If you were to get in your car and drive around looking at... thumbnail 1 summary

There is something that has always bothered me when I render a building.  Glass.  If you were to get in your car and drive around looking at different buildings you may notice the glass always looks  a little different.  Very rarely will the reflection look perfectly flat (as it does on typical rendering).  Usually, there will be a slight convex reflection due to interior air pressure or other factors.

When I render an image using the default glass material in Revit it is so perfectly flat that it can look non-existent.  I came up with a technique that replicates real-world glass. Check out the image below for some comparisons...

Click to enlarge...
Looks pretty cool, huh?  As you can see from the images Revit's cloud rendering results in a slightly different look.  If you are doing an exterior rendering from further away than the images above Revit's native and cloud renderings look pretty similar.

So, you want to know how to create the same effect?

Click here to keep reading! »

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