The Ultimate Revit Custom Material Marathon - Free Live Webinar

I  am excited to be curating a FREE live webinar hosted by Novedge on August 6th! When thinking of topics I realized my last three posts had... thumbnail 1 summary

I  am excited to be curating a FREE live webinar hosted by Novedge on August 6th!

When thinking of topics I realized my last three posts had to do with materials in some way.  So I thought I would talk about custom materials, sharing materials, cloud rendering with materials... etc...

Within the hour long webinar I will show you how to find your own custom texture maps, create bump maps, and create custom materials.  Then, I will show you how to manipulate those materials and get some awesome rendering results.   Finally, I will break into some material management techniques (similar to this recent post).  Sounds cool?  Sign up below!

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