Virtual Reality and Revit in the Real-World ( Success Story with HTC Vive & Enscape 3D )

I know every single person who reads this blog is familiar with the explosion of Virtual Reality (VR) over the last few years.  I know, beca... thumbnail 1 summary

I know every single person who reads this blog is familiar with the explosion of Virtual Reality (VR) over the last few years.  I know, because I have also been saturated with everything "VR". My first personal experience with VR was using Google Cardboard over two years ago...   As you can imagine, VR has come a long way since that post.

Initially, emerging technologies can battle with the concept of pragmatism.  The first thing you hear with something like AR, VR, Dynamo, etc.. is "cool, but how can I use it in the 'real-world'"?

Today, I wanted to talk about a recent real-world experience with VR.  More specifically, with Revit, the HTC Vive, and Enscape 3D.

... Continue reading to hear about the success story and my thoughts on the aforementioned technologies (including a breakdown of the hardware and software we used)...

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